Talk Talk - The Party´s Over (1982) - €10,00

The Party's Over is the debut album by Talk Talk. It was released in 1982 and produced by Colin Thurston, who was a former engineer for David Bowie but was better known for producing Duran Duran's first two albums. 

Talk Talk is one of the most evolving bands there ever were. Each subsequent album moved the group further into a greater artistic realm with their music until ultimately pioneering the post-rock genre. The Party's Over is Talk Talk's debut album, and it is the perfect synth pop/new wave album. The music is heavy with electronic sounds and has a biting attitude reminiscent of punk (but much lighter). If you wanted an album that best personifies the genre this is it.

Mark Hollis is the lead singer and his intonation and style is distinctive. Sometimes he sings right up front with lyrics pushing the point across, and others his vocalization is blending with the rest of the music like it's another instrument in the ensemble. Simon Brenner is the keyboard player and his synths pretty much make the Talk Talk sound on this album. Sometimes vibrant and sometimes somber, but always lush and full. Paul Webb is a bass guitarist like no other. He doesn't just give a bass line. Many times his bass playing is providing a counter melody or a line that moves the music more than just as a rhythm instrument. Lee Harris is the drummer and lays out a rhythm that is deceptively simple, yet very expressive. He plays the electronic drum kit with a conviction you just have to see.

The music is awesome, and you get much more feeling and emotion from what is considered a synthetic sound than many other artists tried doing with the same instruments. The tracks are definitely of that New Romantic synth vibe. Here's a breakdown:

TALK TALK - When I first got this album in vinyl record form I laid the stylus down and when I heard this title track it floored me. Big sound jumping right out at you. Intensity from the vocals making you pay attention. It set the stage for the rest of the album. As far as track placement on an album this has to be the best I have ever heard.

IT'S SO SERIOUS - This song has the same attitude of TALK TALK, but with a much lighter tone. It's a melodic piece with a catchy chorus and pleasant synth hook. Another example of good song placement on an album. While the first track hits you strong the second one gives you breather without slowing down the pace.

TODAY - This was their biggest hit from this album. Very similar to TALK TALK in intensity. This is one of those songs where Paul Webb's bass playing actually becomes the hook and sets the stage for the track. The song is as aggressive as the first track but more melodic. Again it's nice album placement that keeps the momentum high.

THE PARTY'S OVER - This song slows down the pace a bit while still giving you enough to draw you in. The chorus is very lush and full while the verse is like a light step through a city street at night. This song would never be a radio hit, but it does show some lovely textures and gives the album a much needed break.

HATE - Just when you thought TALK TALK was aggressive along comes HATE. This is the most aggressive song on the album. It's not the best song musically in this set, but it does set itself apart with a foreboding vibe that carries along the entire track.

HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS ? - This is one of the more mellow track. Musically it's well made and feels nice, but it's not as catchy as other tracks on the album. If you have become a fan of the band's sound this track will still please you.

MIRROR MAN - This is the single that Talk Talk decided to debut themselves with, and it wasn't a screaming success for obvious reasons. While the song is a good composition it's a bit of a downer in tone and pace. Not the best way to introduce yourself to the world. As an album track it serves a good purpose of keeping the pace mellow while giving you a chance to appreciate the song for what it is.

ANOTHER WORD - This song was written by bassist Paul Webb, and ironically doesn't have any of those counter melodies he normally puts out on other songs. The song is big on the new wave feel and is one or my favorite tracks. The chorus is nice, but it's the verse that really makes the song with a lovely melody (and Paul Webb singing background melodies). I love this track.

CANDY - The slowest tempo track the song has a lot of reflection felt on it. Mark Hollis gets to put some final emotion in the final track. Again this isn't going to be hit song, but there is a lot of feeling in the song that Talk Talk fans will appreciate.

Side one
1. Talk Talk - 3:23
2. It’s So Serious - 3:21
3. Today - 3:30
4. The Party’s Over - 6:12

Side two
1. Hate - 3:58
2. Have You Heard the News? - 5:07
3. Mirror Man - 3:21
4. Another Word - 3:14
5. Candy - 4:41

Companies, etc.


Release: 1982
Format:  LP
Genre:  Sophisti-pop
Label:  EMI Records
Catalog#  1A 064-07646

Vinyl:  VG
Cover:  VG


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